Thursday, February 04, 2016

Walt Disney World. January 5 – January 12, 2016.

Joe had been planning this trip for several months already.  His last visit was with his parents (i.e., Anne and me) in the 90s, and he would want Emmie to experience some of his excitement he felt.  Sure enough, Emmie was quite eager to visit “Mickey Mouse’s House,” although with her limited exposure to TV, she probably doesn’t know her beyond the doll someone gave her and what her parents have told her.

Tuesday January 5.  We stayed in Jersey City last night, and Ubered to the airport this morning.  The driver was a bit lost, so it took longer than we expected.  What was more unexpected was how long the lines were, even the TSA pre-check line had to start one level below.  The process was efficient enough, it took less than 30 minutes to get through.  Turns out our flight was delayed by about 45 minutes, so we still had plenty of time.  It was a packed, sometimes bumpy, but nonetheless a good flight.  We got in at about noon, and managed to catch up with Joe – was Emmie happy to see us.  He rented a car at EZ Rental for about $100, I got mine from Budget through Costco Travel at about $160 net (free second driver.)  The line at EZ Rental was long.  I did complain about how inattentive the agent at Budget was.

Since Emmie was too excited to take a nap, we decided to hit Epcot at 3 pm.  Parking was a whopping $20 per car.  The Park was generally quiet, wait times were manageable.  This have a FastTrack program that made some of the waits even shorter.  We hit: Spaceship Earth, the boatride in “The Land” (used to be Kraft), Figment, and the ride at “The Sea.”  Dinner at Coral Reef was nice, a bit expensive, but gave us a great view of the large tank (5.7 million gallons, so the claim goes) with its many fish, scuba divers, and dolphin.  My general experience is the place hasn’t changed much from our last visit.  Spaceship Earth is now narrated by Judy Dench instead of Walter Cronkite.

 Harrison had no idea he was in Florida.  He was happy enough, though.

 Outside "The Land."  It hasn't changed much over the last 20 years.

 Grandma and Emmie very into something.

Dinner at The Sea is more for the surroundings than for the food.

Accommodations: a three-bedroom apartment at Sun Lake Court, Kissimmee.

Wednesday January 6.  Second EPCOT day.  Visited Space Trainer (easy version) by myself.  All of us took the boat ride in the Mexican Pavilion, which Emmie enjoyed.  Also saw the film in the French Pavilion which reminded us of the many places we have visited.  A bit frustrated that I couldn’t identify several of the familiar tunes by French composers.  Lunch at Octoberfest Biergarten ended with a musical revue.  Dinner was at a Pizzeria in the Italian Pavilion.  While we didn’t take too many rides, we certainly did a lot of walking: Apple Health recorded close to 10 miles.  Also, we did the obligatory family photo with Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto; Baby H was fast asleep in the baby carrier during all that commotion.

 Emmie at the apartment, raring to start the day.

 First a family portrait with Mickey,

 followed by Goofey,

 and the Minnie.

 Not sure she realizes she is being eaten by a shark.

Musical performance at the Biergarten.

 Emmie was very fascinated by this group of gannets that kept saying "mine, mine, mine."  She could just stand there and watch.

Dinner at crowded pizzeria in the Italian Pavilion.  Joe Jr did all the planning to make it a smooth experience.

Thursday January 7.  Joe took Emmie to Magic Kingdom early enough for its opening, and managed to get on many kiddie rides early in the morning.  The rest of us met up with them around 10:40 am and Jess joined them for a Peter Pan ride before heading to “Be Our Guest” for lunch.  This is supposed to be a “hot” location, but with us pre-ordering the night before, everything went smoothly.  After lunch we went on this “Under the Sea” ride based on Little Mermaid.  Joe and family went on the Dumbo ride which made Emmie very happy.  Anne and I took Emmie on her second ride of “It’s a Small Small World.”  I am not sure she blinked once during the 5-minute ride.  Emmie had her nap (after much churning) so late that I had to scrap the idea of taking her back in the evening.  Joe and Jess went back to the Magic Kingdom to see the fireworks, Anne and I got takeout from a nearby Carrabbas and enjoyed the food with Emmie.

Friday January 8.  Today Anne and I took a break from WDW to visit Miss Ruth, whom we last saw at Pastor Al’s memorial service a couple of years ago.  We drove about 90 minutes to pick up Ken and Sandy, whom we knew from their NJ days, and have since retired to Parrish, Florida.  We had not seen them for quite a few years.  Then it was another 2 hours to Ft. Myers to pick up Miss Ruth at Shell Point to meet up with Susan and Peter at University Grille, a place we frequented a few times before.  We had a good time of reminiscing and fellowship.  After dropping off Miss Ruth, we reversed our path to first drop off Ken and Sandy, our roundtrip from Parrish to Ft. Myers gave us a lot of time to catch up; our children grew up in New Jersey together, although their career paths are quite divergent: an investment banker, a surgical resident, a teacher, and a drug safety specialist.

Lunch with Miss Ruth, Susan & Peter Chiu, and Sandra and Ken Chin.

After getting dinner at Bahamas Breeze in Kissimmee and picking up a couple of items at Market Place, it was about 9 pm that we got back to the apartment.

Oh, and it rained heavily on the way to Ft. Myers.  The afternoon was sunny and warm, although the DJ at Tampa area radio station we picked up during our ride back thought it has been quite cold.  We were wondering whether she was serious.  Weather forecast calls for sunny 80 degree weather tomorrow.

Saturday January 9.  Joe and Jess took Emmie and left for the Magic Kingdom at 9 am.  Anne and I had a more leisurely morning, we took Harrison with us and met up at around 11 am.  The Small World ride was not busy so we went on it, and we used Fast Past for the Peter Pan ride; this made Emmie very happy.  Anne taped the whole Small World ride on the iPhone, since she forgot to charge it up last night, the battery was drained after the 10 minute recording.

Lunch was at Pinocchio’s.  Afterward Joe and Jess took the kids back to the apartment so they get some rest; Anne and I stayed in the Magic Kingdom.  Since there was no particular ride that we wanted to go on, we just hit the ones that didn’t have long lines.  Among others: train ride around the park, carousel of progress, tiki teahouse, steamboat, and people mover (used to be called WEDWay.)

Joe and Emmie came back around 4:30 pm.  Jess wasn’t feeling well, so she stayed behind with Harrison.  The plan was get close to the place with Disney characters by taking the train and go two stops.  The train we board was quite full, so Anne (with Emmie) and I had two different rows.  I guess I must have dozed off, so when the train came to stop at Frontierland I thought we were there already.  It took a lot of frantic waving on my part to get Anne to notice, so she disembarked also, not knowing why I did what I did.  Coupled with rain, that meant a change in plans.  We managed to do a few things with Emmie: get signatures from Minnie and Daisie, meeting with Belle, and another ride on the Small World.

Joe stayed behind to buy dinner for Emmie, Anne and I ordered takeout from Carrabbas (again), picked up on the way, and had dinner at home.  Joe and Emmie arrived soon after we did.

Remember the forecast for today from yesterday?  Sunny and 80.  It never got to 73, and it rained, not drizzled, for several hours.  Perhaps we should get those who can predict the temperature down to a fraction of degree 50 years from now into closer-in forecasting!

Sunday January 10.  Joe stayed back with Harrison to “save” his day for Epcot.  The rest of us went to Animal Kingdom.  Anne and I were there in 2007, but neither of us have any good recollection of what we did.  In any case, we rode the Kilimanjaro Safari, and watched the show based on Lion King.  I would say the Safari experience is like that of any other “fake” ones.  The Lion King show is labor-intensive, with acrobats, singers, and dancers; it is not my cup of tea though.

The Lion King show.

Emmie sure enjoyed the playground in Dinoland.  She went up and down the 3-storey high slide multiple times.

Dinoland was a big hit.

Joe and Jess went to Epcot (with Jess having to pay for the park-hopper fee) to watch the fireworks while Anne and I looked after the children.  The stuff we bought at the nearby Taste of China was practically inedible, and I am not a picky eater.  Sometimes reviews do reflect how good an establishment is; unfortunately most of the time they do not.

Monday January 11.  Joe, Jess and Emmie left for MK a little after 9.  Anne and I took Harrison to Marketplace (a supermarket next door) and bought a couple of gifts for our other grandkids.  Afterwards we drove to the Contemporary Resort for lunch.  The buffet lunch is a bit on the expensive side (around $50 each including taxes and tip), but the food was better than what we had in the German Pavilion.  The highlight was when the Disney characters came out, signed in Emmie’s autograph book, and posed with her for pictures.  Emmie will turn 3 in less than two weeks, so she was given a birthday card and a cup cake with a candle on it.

While the rest of the family took the monorail back to MK, I tried to drive the car to the MK parking lot.  I had parked at the Contemporary Resort lot without paying.  While I am sure there is a way to get to parking without paying, I was so lost that I had to ask for directions, and paid for parking at that stop.  In any case, Emmie was already asleep in her stroller.

We did quite a few things this afternoon: jungle cruise and pirates of the Caribbean.  Anne also took Emmie on Aladdin and Dumbo again.  We also caught both the 3 pm and the 7 pm parades.  Anne and I stayed over for the fireworks at 8 pm, Joe, Jess and Emmie left right after the parade.

 Lunch at the Contemporary Resort provided photo ops with Disney characters.

 Riding the magic carpet with grandma.

 No, she didn't go on Dumbo by herself.  This was a fixture.

Cinderella Castle lit up at night.  Lots of people waiting for the fireworks to begin.

A short video clip of the firework display.

It was a particularly long day for Emmie, although she really enjoyed herself.  Her parents give her little TV time, so she doesn’t know the story behind most (if not all) the Disney stories, so I can’t imagine how she would react if the stories she knows come to life (reason for another visit?)  Over the course of the week she has become a lot braver, often going to the characters by herself to ask for autographs.

We stopped by Chic Fil A and Red Lobster to pick up food to bring back to the apartment.

Tuesday January 12.  Again Joe Jr needed some help with luggage space.  So I took one of their suitcases and then drove Jess and Harrison to the terminal before dropping off the rental car.  The return flight was also quite full, but it was a reasonable 2 ½ hour flight.  We Uber’d again back to Jersey City.

 Grandma waving goodbye (via messaging).

 Emmie saying goodbye.

A tired kid.

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