Monday, November 22, 2010

Portsmouth, NH. November 13-14, 2010.

Went to up see Joe Jr & Jess run the Seacoast Half Marathon. Jess ended not running because she wasn't feeling well.

Hotel (Fairfield Portsmouth) was a "comp" from previous stays - cost $15 or so for the processing fee. It was infested with runners.

We drove along the running route and it is quite pleasant. Anne & I had lunch at Poco's Bow Catina and headed down to Somerville to meet up with Joe Jr before we headed back to NJ.

 Meet Ruby, a one-year old dog adopted by Jessica and Joe.

 Joe about one mile from the finish.

 Portsmouth waterfront.  Maine across the river.

Lighthouse at the the Coast Guard Station by Fort William and Mary in New Castle, NH.

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