Saturday, January 21, 2023

Kingston, New York. January 14 - 15, 2023.

1/14 Saturday.  Ellie signed up Reid and Maisie for a series of ski lessons over the weekends this winter.  They ski in the mornings, and afternoons are free.  Anne and I decided to visit them to hang out.

The ski area was Belleayre Mountains, for that weekend they would stay at an Airbnb in Phoenicia.  We left at about 11:30 am for the two hour drive to Woodstock.  There are not that many places for the seven of us, so we went to have coffee and cake at Overlook Bakery in town.  One coffee and two hot chocolates cost $14, so not terribly expensive.  The kids enjoyed their cookies and cakes very much.

After coffee we drove to the Phoenicia house, and Kuau went and got takeout for dinner.  The kids played a bit of video game, and it was then bed time for them, and hotel check-in for us.

Everly enjoying her cake.

Reid ready to bite into a large cookie.

Watching TV after dinner.

Accommodation: Courtyard at Kingston, New York (1 night).

1/15 Sunday. We saw quite a few skiers at breakfast at the hotel.  The sport is popular with young people, and they all looked ready to go.

We drove to Woodstock and met up with Kuau, Ellie and Everly for a walk on Comeau Property.  Reid and Maisie had been dropped off at the ski area.  With ice and slosh on the ground, no one wanted to walk far, so we went to have brunch at Pearl Moon.  It was then time to say goodbye.

Anne suggested we check out this "Walkway Over the Hudson."  It was quite windy, Anne decided not to finish the walk, so I went by myself, crossing the Hudson to reach Poughkeepsie and back.  The roundtrip was about 2.5 miles, the stretch over the river is only 0.5 miles wide.  I was glad I wore my heavy parka, otherwise it would be too cold.  As it was, my face was freezing as I didn't have a scarf on.  I can see this could be a nice walk on a nice day.

Comeau Property.

Mid-Hudson Bridge as seen from the west shore of the Hudson.

Walkway Over Hudson started as a railway bridge in 1889 and became a pedestrian walkway in 2009 (naturally a lot happened).

Starting at the west end.

Returning to Highlands from Poughkeepsie (you have to take my word for it).  About 1.2 miles each way.

Not a lot of river traffic this time of year.  Clearance is about 200 feet. The Hudson is about 0.5 miles wide here.

We got home at around 4 pm.