Friday, May 29, 2015

Turks and Caicos. April 18 – 22, 2015.

Joe Jr has the week off, so he and Ellie decided that we would spend a few days in Turks and Caicos.  Frankly Anne and I know very little about this small British Territory in the Caribbean, so we thought it would be a fun thing to do.  Of course any excuse to have the family together will do.

Joe Jr did our flight books, Kuau booked the hotels.

Saturday 4/18.  Joe and family got to our house at around 8:30 pm last night.  Emmie, whom we had not seen for a couple of months, was very happy to see us, so she stayed up way past her bedtime.

This morning I had to wake up at around 6 am so we could be ready to leave our house at 7 am.  Things went pretty smoothly, although traffic in the terminal area was heavier than I expected.  And the line at TSA pre-check was quite long, the machine beeping everyone contributed to the delay.  There is talk that TSA wants to charge passengers now for the privilege, and they want to enroll a lot more people in the program – I am not sure these objectives are consistent with a more efficient screening program.  In any case, I was in the terminal before 8 am, so there is really nothing much to complain about (and this includes dropping the car off at EZ Way Parking.)  The other folks, meanwhile, were in the United Lounge.

The plane was packed, with perhaps one or two vacant seats.  After considerable musical chair-playing, I ended up in the same row as Ellie, Kuau and Reid (lap infant), and Anne was in a middle Exit Row seat.  We were a bit slow to take off as the pilots were delayed getting in from Boston.  The plane landed on time, and we got our first experience with island time: both immigration and customs were slow, even though there didn’t seem to be any problems.

A short but rather expensive ride got us to Villa Del Mar.  As our rooms were not ready yet, we left them in the lobby and went to lunch across the street.

Emmie, Reid and their mothers got into the pool for a rather long time while Joe and Kuau went grocery shopping.  Anne and I also went to pick up some meat.  Things are expensive as this is both a tourist place and (I suspect) a lot of stuff is flown in.  A box of clementines costs about $5 in New Jersey; here it is $15.  Salmon is about $8 a pound, $19 here.  For dinner we grilled the steak and hot dogs on the BBQ provided by the hotel.

 First dip into the pool.

 View from our room.

Accommodations: Villa del Mar, Room B301, 4 nights.

Sunday 4/19.  Morning was spent on the beach.  While I enjoy sea views much, I am not a seashore, suntan type of person – the motto I invented was “no sun, no water, no sand.” Both Reid and Emmie had a great time, and they mostly didn’t mind sand all over their bodies (in Reid’s case including his face.)  We babysat Reid as Ellie and Kuau went out to lunch.   They brought back these huge hamburgers for us, not cheap at $18 each.  Dinner at Coco Bistro, considered one of the best restaurants in town.  I ordered the wahoo since I never had it before; the dish turned out okay, but not much more than okay.

 Grandpa is not that much into sand ...

 Relaxing by the hotel pool ...

 or on the beach.

Panoramic view of Grace Bay.

Monday 4/20.  Well, I went into the water for 20 minutes or so today.  Not having swim in the sea for a while, I was surprised at how salty the water tasted, and how buoyant it was.

Lunch was with Joe, Jess and Emmie at Seaside CafĂ©.  BBQ dinner of chicken drumsticks, steak, and hot dog.

Tuesday 4/21.  Kuau picked up lunch today.  Anne and I finally got cabin fever, so we checked out a rental car from Caicos Wheels.  Rent-a-Wreck is probably a more appropriate name for the outfit, our car was a Honda Fit with about 75,000 km on it (the island itself is only 20 or so miles wide.)  But it did the job: we drove to the eastern end of the island where some really huge yachts were docked, and then to the southwestern end.  Chalk sound has this nice blue color (from the limestone deposits?) and Chalk Sound Road is on a ridge that constitutes the southern rim of the sound (cove.)  We also drove by some local areas; the outside of the houses looked okay, but we have no idea what the insides are like.

 Deciding if we wanted to go into the water.

 Cousins having fun playing in the sand.

At this time apples cost less than a dollar a pound in NJ.

Wednesday 4/22.  This car rental works out great financially also.  Taxi service is $16.50 per person, counting the children.  So we saved quite a bit even though we had to make two trips to get everyone to the airport.  Gasoline is $5 a gallon, yet the fill up before car return cost only $19.

Check-in was a breeze. There was security screening, but no immigration.  Anne, Ellie and I all got upgraded, but I gave my seat to Kuau so he and Ellie and share in Reid-tending duties.  The boy actually cried quite loudly for a while – he must be asleep now (this is about 1 hour into the flight.)